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Application to Self

From the readings in class to the online articles, I had come to discover that leadership comes in many shapes and forms. That there is not one correct way of being a leader, but many ways that we can change and adapt our leadership styles. When I got my first job, I only viewed my manager as somebody who made sure everything was running smoothly and that the only reason that they were in that position was that they were responsible in handling the business. Now, I realize that being a leader is more than just managing numbers but also developing those around you.

One of my first managers at Starbucks was so charasmatic and knowledgleable that all the partners gravitated towards her. She got to know each partner and their aspirations and helped them in any way she can to get them where they wanted to be whether that be with the company or in life.

Now, as I supervise a team, I get the privillege of knowing each of the Hosts and their own aspirations. I take my first manager as a prime example of who I want to be percieved by my employees and help each one of them get to where they want to be. I found that employees are more responsive if you have their best interests in mind and that they see other employees are getting to where they want to be, and want to work with you. I was able to accomplish a handful of my goals I set for 2016 with the help and buy-in from my team.

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