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Traits & Me

When I think of traits of a great leader, I look back on all the current and previous managers I had working in the industry and I think of certain traits that stood out above the rest.

One of the first managers I had was working for L & L Hawaiian Barbecue. Not only was the manager but also the owner of the establishment, so I understood how much she had invested in the store. I remember her as very creative. She also had creative ways of solving problems and even decorating the store. I remember every holiday occasion; she decorated the store and came up with clever menu items associated with the holidays.

One of my current managers at the Marriott is one of the most organized leaders I had. He sorts all his work in three piles, from top priority to lease. He also keeps clipboards on his wall for planning out each outlet’s quarter. With all this organization, he seems to know the ins and outs of the outlets like the back of his hand and always seems to be one step ahead.

I had always admired these traits; creativity, and being organized. Once I saw it being used in the industry I had admired them even more. Creativity would help when I need some creative solutions to problems, and being organized can help keep myself on track in reaching goals.

“People don’t follow you because you are nice, they follow you because they believe the place you are taking them is better than the place they are.” -Scott Hammerle

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